It mainly contains online negotiation, online mediation and online arbitration. ODR is seen as being the online correspondent of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Though, ODR can also expand these traditional means of resolving disputes by adding modern techniques and online technologies to the procedure.
With ODR, you can resolve your dispute quickly with comprehensive cost by a professional third party. The case at e-lawyerassistance takes often between a week and three months to be resolved.
E-lawyerassistance offers you for meanwhile online mediation and online arbitration as per the parties agreed rules and regulations or as per e-lawyerassistance preset rules. At e-lawyerassistance, we offer two kinds of online arbitration: Binding Arbitration and Non-Binding Arbitration.
The fees are set according to case's legal nature & to the panelists' hours.
To use these services, just sent us an email to and choose the method of ODR; between online mediation and online (binding, non-binding) arbitration; specify the case facts and demands, the chosen panelist (s) and most of all state correctly the other party email or contact's information.
ODR stands for Online Dispute Resolution which encloses methods that use technology to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

In an online mediation, a qualified neutral is appointed to mediate a specific case. All the communications between the mediator & the parties are held via emails, instant messaging, and voice-over IP or via videoconferences. The online mediation process is a win-win procedure that takes into consideration the parties' interests, the persistence of the professional relationship, and the case particularity.
The fees for an online mediation are moderated fees depending on the complexity of the case, the invited party’s position, and the hours required to reach an outcome.
Parties can choose the appropriate mediator to their case from the panelists list accessible through e-lawyerassistance website. By using the online mediation process at e-lawyerassistance, the parties agree that the final agreement drafted by the mediator is binding the same as a contract, and can be executed formally as stated by law.
Online arbitration is originally a binding process by which a third party - having the authority to judge a case - is invited to render a compulsory award to both parties.
The enforceability of the online award due to arbitration can be taken at any state in the world because it is made by paper means and sealed by the arbitral tribunal.
At e-lawyerassistance, we believe that a new kind of arbitration – non-binding arbitration – is meant to resolve cases in specific advanced law areas, mainly those pertaining to immaterial law. Non-binding arbitration is a process offered at e-lawyerassistance, by which the outcome is binding only for the professional. The other party can choose to adopt the award or not, if he agrees, then the award will be binding for him also.
All arbitrators at e-lawyerassistance are qualified, well-experienced, and specialized neutrals. Parties are requested to choose three names from the neutrals panelists list. The unique arbitrator that will judge the case will be appointed solely by e-lawyerassistance’s center upon the parties’ selection.